Testnet is live

Stake and get 
your rewards upfront

Amulet Finance is ushering in a new era of self-repaying loans within the Cosmos ecosystem. Participate in the Testnet and be among the first to explore this innovative protocol.

How it works

Access your
future rewards now

Stake and Advance

Deposit your favourite tokens and get an advance on your rewards


Advance loans are automatically repaid over time from rewards

No liquidations

Advances are never liquidated as loans are denominated in matching synthetics

Audited by

Oak Security

Enhanced security
and self-custody

Amulet is built with custom software, audited by Oak Security.

Security-first design

Amulet is built with custom software, audited by Oak Security


Users retain full control over funds at all times

Protocol review

Amulet contracts are audited by Oak Security and will be made source available for transparency

Collaborating across Cosmos

Collaborating across Cosmos

Get started with
the Amulet Testnet

What people say

Amulet brings new possibilities in Cosmos DeFi with self-repaying Advances on staked assets; leveraging Neutron's enshrined infrastructure and collaborative developer community to showcase the power of Integrated Applications.

Simon Chadwick, Eclipse Finance

Amulet Finance represents an entirely new approach to DeFi lending. It unlocks immense potential for users by allowing them to leverage their PoS crypto assets in never-before-seen ways.

Mikhil, Persistence

Self repaying loans as a concept has always been intriguing to me. LSTfi in Cosmos will thrive when applications like Amulet bring use cases that are custom built to leverage the power of LSTs like stkATOM. I am very excited to see Amulet bring this to life on Neutron

Join the
Amulet Community

Ask, contribute and collaborate towards the vision of empowering users with sustainable self-repaying loans.